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Как победить предменструальный синдром

Как победить предменструальный синдром Как и вы, миллионы женщин каждый месяц переживают неприятность, имя которой "предменструальный синдром", для краткости ПМС. И хотя вам кажется, что спасения ждать неоткуда, на самом деле справиться с этой проблемой вам по силам. Однажды вы просыпаетесь и понимаете: жизнь не удалась. Погода на улице – хуже не бывает,

Виноградная диета

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Брачный контракт по-русски - что это такое?

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Wedding veil do it yourself for a young and beautiful bride.

  1. From the wedding story
  2. Wedding signs
  3. Veil do it yourself
  4. Summarize

What a thrill in an unmarried girl causes the word "veil", straight, goosebumps. Immediately there are various intriguing thoughts: which one to choose? How to wear? How to save? Will it to face? Rarely, brides ask questions about the origin of the wedding veil and its original meaning.

The contents of the article

From the wedding story

In ancient times, the wedding veil was preceded by a crown or wreath. This is a circle of flowers and herbs woven by an arc that was put on the bride's head and symbolized the unity of the future family. Since the girls wove wreaths at Ivan Kupala, lowered them into the water and asked the husband to find her through the wreath.

In eastern nations, the girl was completely dressed in a blanket and removed it after the wedding of the young husband, or even after the wedding itself. It was believed that in this way, the bride is protected from the evil eye, envy and evil intentions.

When the veil appeared to the Slavic peoples, a wreath was still present on the girl’s head for a long time and served the same functions as a talisman, the veil fabric itself was considered an ornament. Later, this "decoration" took over the wreath symbol and it was believed that the veil is the submission to the only man and his respect.

Other nations at different times, the wedding veil, its variations performed the same function: the protection of the bride and her future family, guard the mystery of the hidden.

There are a lot of traditions and will take about the wedding dress of the bride, but some of the most substantial concern veils.

Wedding signs

With regards to veils there are many signs that have developed over the centuries. Some girls completely trust and adhere to them, others - do not pay any attention. We do not insist on this or other choice, but simply offer to get acquainted with the main ones:

  • Fitting. It is believed that it is impossible to measure the veil before the wedding - all the more, along with the dress, shoes and all the accessories. Also, no one should be allowed to measure her: neither to her sister, nor to her friend, either before the wedding or after it.
  • Put on. Only mom can wear a wedding veil, even if the hairdresser does her hair, she has no right to wear your veil.
  • Take off. Take off the veil should spouse in wedding night . If the veil falls at the wedding, you can not give correct her unmarried girlfriend, only the groom or mother.
  • Colour. It should be exclusively white, but pink is allowed.
  • Length. It is believed that the length of the veil should be below the line of the blades. If there is no veil at all, then there should be a hat or a wreath on the head.
  • Veil. It can be separately attached to the hairstyle or be part of the veil, it is desirable to cover her face when leaving the house - from the evil eye and in crowded places.
  • Wedding. At the wedding, the bride's head must be covered, the face can only be opened in front of the priest.

At the wedding, the bride's head must be covered, the face can only be opened in front of the priest

There are also a number of other signs related to the wedding veil:

  1. Wedding fun. If the bride is actively dancing, and the veil is constantly falling off - this is a bad sign, and inadvertently breaking the veil is good.
  2. The wedding night. A veil should be on the bride until the very wedding night and only the spouse can take it off. But there is a tradition when at the end of the wedding the bride dances all the unmarried girls, covering their heads with a part of the veil, then the bride’s mother removes her veil and the mother-in-law puts on a scarf as a symbol of a woman. This is the so-called ceremony of reincarnation of a girl into a woman, and the transition from one kind to another. The veil serves as a bridge crossing.
  3. Rosemary wreath. There is a tradition when the mother of the bride under her veil and hair clings to her a sprig of rosemary woven into a wreath. It is a talisman, which cannot be touched by anyone except mother and young, it must be kept for many years.
  4. Preservation. It is better not to rent a veil, but to buy or sew a new one, as it carries a powerful protective energy. You need to save your whole life. Sometimes girls marry in their mother's veil. She partly conveys to the bride the fate of the mother, therefore, if the mother is divorced, it is better not to do this.
  5. Children. Wedding veil is so endowed with positive energy that it can cure diseases in children. You can fasten it at the head of the baby’s crib, or wrap the sick baby for a while in the mom's veil.
  6. A photo. When creating a photo shoot, it is better to open the face so that the image is clear.
  7. The cloth. Previously, the veil was made from natural expensive fine fabrics: silk, muslin, lace, tulmarin. Today they practice artificial tulle, organza, border the veil edges, decorate it with beads, stones, and lace.

Veil do it yourself

Before you start work, you should decide on the fabric and the shape of the veil cut.

The most common material is mesh, tulle and organza. Tulmarin and lace are less commonly used. And from the forms - a square, an oval, a circle and a rectangle with rounded edges.

And from the forms - a square, an oval, a circle and a rectangle with rounded edges

Wedding veil with their own hands, as well as purchased, should match the style of the dress, its length, color. The most popular types in length are the veil to the shoulders, to the shoulder blades (to the elbow), to the fingertips and long, about 2.3-2.5 meters. It is also important to decide on a border: it will be a neatly cut edge or a trim made of braid, lace, beads, or embroidery.

  1. Make a pattern on paper of any of the forms offered to you. Then fold in half so that the upper tier does not reach the bottom - make a gap between the tiers of the future veil.
  2. Apply the fabric to the paper pattern and carefully fix the fold line in the center.
  3. Attach to the head of the bride and decide whether you like this style. If yes, then securely fix the fold to reach two tiers.
  4. The bend line can be fixed in different ways: along the bend line itself, inside or above the part. Then securely sew a hairpin or comb.


You can order and buy yourself a veil of a wide variety of shapes, colors, lengths and material. But only a hand-made veil will carry the most powerful energy, protect you at the wedding and your future kids.

Immediately there are various intriguing thoughts: which one to choose?
How to wear?
How to save?
Will it to face?
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