- How to draw a gymnast with a pencil in stages
- How to draw a ballerina - the first outline of the picture
- How to draw a ballerina - give primary lines a volumetric shape
- How to draw a ballerina - finish the ballerina's arms and legs
- How to draw a ballerina - remove unnecessary lines of the picture
- How to draw a ballerina - draw a ballerina's face
- How to draw a ballerina - finishing touches
- Step 1.
- Step 2.
- Step 3.
- Step 4.
- Step 5.
It would seem that it is quite difficult to draw a person on the move. But for those who really want to learn the basics of fine art, nothing is impossible. The main thing is to have patience and hone your skills step by step. Let's try, for a start, to draw a ballerina standing in the pose of "swallow". It is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, we take a sheet of paper, a pencil, a soft eraser and begin to create.
Before you draw a ballerina, it is necessary to outline her so-called base. It will consist of three circles and lines connecting them. Circles are arranged in such a way as if a ballerina is standing in your profile, with her head slightly tilted back. The first circle is, in fact, the head itself, the second is the chest and the third is the hips. Since the pose of the dancer involves a curved back, therefore, the circles must be arranged so that when they are connected with the help of auxiliary lines, an angle is formed.
The next step, how to draw a ballerina, will be a schematic depiction of her limbs. To the second circle we draw a barely curved line directed backwards. It will be a hand. Add the lines to the lowest circle, which are then “transformed” into the legs: one dancer will stand and take the second one back, parallel to the floor or slightly higher. After that, you can draw the limbs in more detail.
Imagine that the sketchy lines are bones, so they should be located inside the arms and legs. To keep proportions, consider that the length of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is equal to the length from the elbow to the wrist. The same with the legs: the distance from the hip to the knee is equal to the distance from the knee to the ankle. In order not to be mistaken in height, you need to remember that the head of an adult person “fits” seven times in the length of the rest of the body (up to the ankle).
Now let's proceed to the next stage of solving the problem, how to draw a ballerina. Need to outline her face in profile, as well as her hair. Detail the arm and torso, add a bend in the back, mark the chest, abdomen and waist. Draw the legs, add pointe shoes. On the third circle (thighs) we mark the tutu skirt, which looks like a slightly curved disk. The edge of the skirt is wavy. Just below you can make a couple more layers of "waviness" to make the pack look more lush.
When you are satisfied with the sketch you received, the contours of the dancer can be cut more confidently, and all auxiliary and extra lines can be erased with a rubber band. It should be noted that the second hand of the girl, retracted to the other side, should also be slightly visible, but according to the law of perspective, she will appear less. Finish it.
As we draw a ballerina, you can fantasize and decorate her outfit. Maybe it will be the original neckline or closed neck, or unusual sleeves. You might want her to be gloved. You can also think of her hair, add a tiara or other jewelry. If desired finished drawing can be colored. Now you theoretically know how to draw a ballerina. It remains to apply their knowledge in practice and believe that everything will undoubtedly work out.
Gymnastics is a type of inhuman activity, reminiscent of yoga, only in active movement. It is given to far not everyone. For ordinary mortals, it is inaccessible, because for classes it is necessary to fulfill two conditions: first, understand the ass from the couch and self-esteem and go to the gym, secondly, have will power to repeat these actions over a long period of life. Going to the gym once, and jumping up, you can’t call yourself an athlete. So that people involved in gymnastics deserve respect. Especially girls. Especially in swimsuits. Something I deviated from the topic.
So, what is characteristic:
- They also have injuries, perhaps even more often than in other sports;
- For rhythmic gymnastics, you need not only a beautiful suit and a slender body, but also a special make-up, this also applies to men;
- They must adhere to a strict, specially made by the coach, diet. Although it would not hurt everyone to do it. At least occasionally;
- They are nice to look at the box;
- Live on them is even more pleasant to watch;
And you still have a chance to draw it:
How to draw a gymnast with a pencil in stages
Step one. In the center of the sheet draw several circles connected to each other. As below in the picture. Step two. Using the contours of these figures, we represent the body of a girl.
Step three. We will correct the contours, select the hair, face, hands, torso and legs.
Step Four. Remove unnecessary lines and add hatching.
Want to draw more girls? We have such lessons.
A ballerina is the embodiment of sophistication and grace in every ballet "pa." Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to realize all the painstaking and incredible work invested in the dance, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. In order to preserve the memories of him for a long time, you can capture the most beautiful moment on paper - the dancing ballerina. If you follow step by step instructions Such a task is possible both for an adult and for a child.
How to draw a ballerina - the first outline of the picture
To give the picture the natural proportions of a person, you need to draw the outline of the future silhouette, adhering to the rules of correlation of all parts of the body. To do this, draw an oval in the middle of the sheet, which is slightly tilted down on the left side, while making the left side sharp.
How to draw a ballerina - give primary lines a volumetric shape
Now it's time to “revive” the look of the ballerina. Underline the shoulders and draw a narrow waist. Now give the drawn lines of the legs a believable shape.
Consider that ballerinas are rather thin, so try to portray parts of the body that are not too lush.
How to draw a ballerina - finish the ballerina's arms and legs
Draw hands, repeating all the bends. Then proceed to the end of the drawing of the legs - print out your knees and slender legs with a pencil. Now draw a stand on the socks, given that in the final version the ballerina will be in pointe.
How to draw a ballerina - remove unnecessary lines of the picture
Use the eraser to erase all the sketches you used to draw the drawing. At this stage, the dancer is almost ready. It is only necessary to finish the palms with neat fingers. And then begin to create the face of the dancer.
How to draw a ballerina - draw a ballerina's face
This stage may be the most difficult if there are no skills of the artist. In this case, you should not get upset, it is quite realistic to do it.
If you draw a big silhouette of a ballerina, close-ups all elements of the face should be depicted in more detail. To do this, divide the face contour into four sections using two lines. This will help draw the eyes and nose in proportion. And if you make a small image without detail, the general strokes of the eyebrows, mouth and nose will completely disappear.
The ballerina's hairstyle is always laid in the form of a smoothly laid beam, so draw only a thin outline of the hair on the head.
How to draw a ballerina - finishing touches
To make the picture more believable, you need to draw and decorate the dancer's outfit and draw shadows on the silhouette with a softer pencil.
Draw a tight-fitting corset with a deep neckline. Add decorations in the form of embroidery or rhinestones. Also draw light air sleeves and stringed pointe shoes. At the end of the shade the entire picture smooth strokes.
Make sure you do not miss any details, for example, do not forget to draw the ears or the ties on the shoe. Optionally, you can add a floor to the image, and a blurred look of the scenery in the background.
According to this scheme, you can draw not only a wonderful ballerina, but an adorable princess or an ordinary girl.
Now we have a step-by-step lesson on drawing a ballerina, or how to draw a ballerina in pencil in stages.
1. First we will draw a face, for this draw a circle with very thin lines, then determine the direction of the face straight. As you may have noticed, our head will be very small, so do not draw eyes with a pencil, make sketches of the nose and eyebrows, you can draw another mouth. You can very simplify the face, as in a drawing lesson. The contour of the face must be properly drawn.
2. An important part is the drawing of the skeleton, you need to roughly draw it and show the main joints. Then we will gradually draw the body. First, draw the hands, in the next picture an enlarged result. Fingers, we will not paint, only the silhouette of the brush.
3. We draw a chest, a topic and a skirt at the ballerina.
4. We draw legs, now we can erase all skeleton.
5. We draw ballet flats, more lines on the skirt and characteristic lines, where the throat is.
6. If you see that something is not working out for you, this place can be closed with some object, thing or hair. In this case, I didn’t like something in my hands and I drew bracelets, then my chest was very flat, I drew several lines to emphasize it, and also drew a few extra folds on the topic, dyed my hair. That's about the result you should have. On the fingers, I did not specifically focus attention, because start messing with them for a long time, get nervous and quit painting.
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Step 1.
We draw eight equal parts in which the picture will be located - proportions of a person. They will help us a lot to draw the correct silhouette of a ballerina. Draw it with a pencil to erase it later.
Step 2.
Began to draw a figure standing on one leg. We are trying to draw with one line. It's okay if the line is a bit shaky - because we will draw with ink. But for now, to begin with, let's draw an approximate outline with a pencil and clarify the proportions - this will help us with a ruler of eight parts.
Step 3.
We have a contour, which we begin to paint over with ink or black felt-tip pen - we after all draw the silhouette of a ballerina.
Step 4.
Fill with ink or paint over the silhouette of the ballerina in our drawing with a black felt-tip pen. We remove, if not removed before, the pencil contour. Just wait for the mascara to dry, so as not to smudge black paint. Mascara dries quickly, unless the layer is very thick, and there are no pools of paint.
Step 5.
We take a thinner brush and work through small details. If you drove to the background when you were painting a silhouette, then you can paint it all with white gouache, then it will not be noticeable that an error has occurred. But if the paper is thick, it is better to scrape off the error line with a razor blade. But do it carefully, otherwise there will be a hole.
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